Decawave release date for Mynewt

Hi everyone,

Im using DWM1001-DEV with MyNewt OS. Some sample codes don’t work but some are working. When I looked at the decawave core bsp codes I thought it was not complete. am i right ? if im right, do u know a release date for core codes ?

Best Regards

Hi Enessuren,

Regarding the mynewt stack, I’d recommend to directly ask your question on github opening an issue. You can also try



Hi @enessuren ,

You can start with the initial release of mynewt-dw1000-apps and mynewt-dw1000-core in which all the apps work thoroughly and as mentioned in their respective files.

Initial release can be checked out with the tag mynewt_dw1000_1_0_0_tag.

git checkout mynewt_dw1000_1_0_0_tag in both mynewt-dw1000-apps and mynewt-dw1000-core and need to use 1.4.1 version of apache-mynewt-core for initial release.

git checkout 1_4_0_dev in the apache-mynewt-core.

For eg: Run twr_tag and twr_node apps on two dwm1001-dev devices, which shows TWR based range information on your console.

Later you can checkout out apps from the latest release(mynewt_dw1000_1_1_0_tag) and test them, except the apps in the depreciated folder.

Thanks & Regards,
Madhu R.