Interrupt stops triggering on DWM1001

Hi everyone,

I am developing an application using the DWM1001 Dev Board and I am experiencing an issue that I cannot solve. My system is perfectly working for a while but sometimes devices stop receiving interruptions from the DW1000 Chip. A reset of the chip and interruption configuration solves the problem.

I found in this forum several topics related to this issue but none of them helped me. I wanted to know if this is a known issue of the module or if anyone have experienced the same problem and found a solution.

Thank You!

After some tests I found out that increasing the ranging delay (time before response to a ranging poll) fixes my issue. The problem is I don’t really understand why. Devices were able to range before crashing and I had no error set when planning the TX delayed.
Maybe my delay was really close to the minimum and I was able to plan the transmission without receiving any errors but in fact the transmission was failing.

Please share if you experienced any similar issue.

Hi, I’m experiencing the same problem. I started doing the 30-hz scope process, everything works correctly but suddenly it stops, I did a little debugging and the processor and the application are still running. The application continues to send the polling frame and activate reception, but the interrupt signals for RX_OK or RX_TO never reach the processor.

It seems like the DW1000 reboots suddenly and loses the configuration.

I couldn’t find an solution yet, but at least i’m not the only one with the issue.

Has been passed 5 month since you posted, did you get any solution? or did you find the cause?

My problem only appeared on transmissions.
The problem is if you plan a transmission with a delay that is really close to the minimum delay needed by the chip to prepare the transmission. The chip doesn’t set the error flag and never return the interrupt fro transmission completed.

Forcing during init the TX clock helped me limit this issue, this is done in PMSC register : dwt_write8bitoffsetreg(PMSC_ID,PMSC_CTRL0_OFFSET,0x20)

I also added some backup plan to recover if I don’t receive any interrupt in some time.

I currently don’t experience this issue anymore. For me it was all due to transmission delay.
I hope this can help.