"POST" in the Server

Hi Franco,

when you talk about Server, do you mean the MQTT Broker?
See this post for the details about the data chain:

Here are the list of configuration files:

  1. /etc/dwn1001/dwm1001.config contains configuration for the DWM Daemon
  2. /etc/dwn1001/dwm1001-proxy.config contains configuration for the DWM Proxy

The Daemon and Proxy connect to the MQTT Broker using these credentials:

proxy_server_host = "localhost"
proxy_server_port = 1885
mqtt_user = "dwmuser"
mqtt_password = "dwmpass"
mqtt_topic_prefix = "dwm"

It is however used only if the MQTT Broker requests them (see /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf). The same credentials have to be used by the Thinkspeak I believe.
