Can you please guide me to choose the correct module for a POC testing

Hi, I am new to this technology and its hardware. I want to develop a positioning device.
So I am not sure which device to choose from the products.

I am interested in the DWM1001C Module this has the NRF52 module available. This looks like an SMD module, how I can program the device . for that do i need to buy any programmer module.
is there any development module available for the same. because to do testing without developing a PCB.

What is the difference between DWM1001C Module&

Can you please guide me to choose the correct module for a POC testing.

Hi Lancer,

I would suggest to start a development board maybe.

Get a MDEK Kit (12 dwm1001-Dev) or a DWM1001-Dev. The DWM1001-dev is a development platform that fits both a DWM1001C and a debugger to program and debug the device through Jlink.

It’s probably the shortest path to start working on the technology with DWM1001C.

Hope it helps,