Configuring bridge

I’m triyng configure a bridge, but some problems are dificult this task.
I flash the DWM1001_PANS_R2.0.hex in the DWM1001-DEV’s boards and using the balenaEtcher. I flash the raspbian image into raspberry pi 3 model b v1.2.

bridge config:
anchor 1:
anchor 2:

anchor 3:

I try connect with the raspberry via ssh but I can not. I think it’s strange the green led of raspberry only flashes 3 times, and the light of network cable does not turn on.
Raspberi pi:

DRTLS updated application:

to check if the problem is not raspberry I try with a raspbian imagen on the and with this image I connect with the raspberry via ssh and the green leds works well.

Someone can help me?

Best Regards

Updated…My raspberry pi 3 model B v1.2, the green led only blink 2 times, after 1 time very fast, and again 1 time blink. The red led is always on

Someone have this problem?? :roll_eyes:

Best Regards

Hello CostaT !
I couldn’t raise raspi until I burn the image on a 32 GB card. With smaller cards it simply did not start, maybe you have similar problem

Hi cytro,
thanks for your reply.
I have already tried with 2 different Raspberry Pi 3 model B. I’m using 8GB card, The error is:

end kernel panic-not syncing:VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknow-block(179,2)
will be the size of the card??
The NOOB image works and the balenaetcher also works with boyh images.

Best Regards

Hi CostaT!
Simply use 32GB SD card.

Hi cytro
problem solved.

Best Regards