DWM1000 TDoA Anchor

This probably was asked like a thousand times, please forgive me.

Does Decawave provide TDoA Anchor software for the DWM1000 module?

With regards,

No. The dwm1000 module has no MCU. Also the dwm1000 has a crystal, which is not very good for TDoA anchor.

Thanks for the quick response!

If the DWM1000 wouldnt be a good choice for TDoA Anchor, than the DWM10004C can be (with the right MCU)?

No. DWM1004 is supposed to be a TDoA tag type application.

For anchors you need either custom design or you can purchase the Licensed SW+HW, this is called TTK1000. This is not such easy as you might think and everything is already done by few companies, including Decawave.

I know its made to be a TDoA Tag. Im just courious, what are the possibilities.
With an mcu and custom pcb, (and software of course), the DWM1004 could work as an anchor?
(If I good to know, even the DWM1000 can work as a TDoA Anchor with mcu and custom pcb)

Sorry, cannot recall… why don’t you write your own and would not give it to the rest “for free”?