DWM1001-Dev Low level access (TX/RX)


We recently purchased multiple DWM1001-Dev boards, because it seemed to be the most accessible device to start with. Our goal was to implement some lower level communication (basic tx/rx) between all devices. Unfortunately, the available API does not seem to provide access to such a low level. Other boards like, the DWM1000 is using a very different set of APIs.

My question is: Is it possible to access these functions or is the chip limited to the available API calls? According to the Firmware Guide the PAN API seems to viable, but not accessible.

Kind regards,


You can use the DW1000 C-API instead of PANS, (But then you will loose the benifits of PANS RTLS etc.)

Look at the github code example here and also this example shows how to do a simple Tx with DWM1001C.



thank you for the GitHub Link. This is exactly what I was looking for. I just went through the PDFs and Software libraries I found on the website. Maybe you could add a link to the GitHub repository on your website resources?

Kind regards