DWM1001-Dev tag with EVB1000 anchors


I’ve got a DWM1001-dev board which I am hoping to use with a Rasp-Pi to log position estimate. I’m doing some preliminary testing with the board and the VM environment, using minicom to display estimated position of the DWM. I only have one of these DWM1001-Dev boards, but a number of EVB1000’s (I have the Trek1000 kit).

Is there anyway to use these EVB1000s as anchors with DWM1001 as tag connected to Raspberry Pi?


No. The SW in DMW1001 does not work with SW in TREK/EVK. You need a minimum of 4 DWM1001s (1 tag and 3 anchors) if you wish to use on-board SW (TWR RTLS) and be able to estimate tag’s position.


Hi Zoran,

I’m in the same position as Ollie - I have one DWM1001-Dev board and 4 EVB1000’s from the TREK1000 kit.
How much work would it be to port the EVB1000 RTLS SW to the DWM1000 Dev board. I understand that they use different MCU’s.


It should not be too difficult.
As you know you’ll need to port the SPI and have a timer (1ms ticktimer) , and then add IRQ and event handlers. Also for the tags you need to be able to wakeup DW from DEEPSLEEP.
You’ll need to change TDMA timings (TWR ranging rate, response times) as Nordic’s SPI rate is lower than STM’s (TREK)

Hi Zoran,

I have ported the SPI and IRQ handler to the DWM1001 (Nordic MCU) and I am seeing the tx_conf_cb() being triggered continously - which leads me to believe that I am succesfully sending the POLL message from my tag.
Unfortunately, I am not triggering the rx_ok_cb_tag()… but rather the rx_to_cb_tag().

I am also debugging the the EVB1000 (anchor 0) at the same time and am also not receiving the rx_ok callback, just the rx_to…

Is there something obvious that I’m not doing as to why the anchor isn’t receiving any of my POLL messages?

Many thanks for your help,