DWS3000 Flash Problem

Hi all,

I recently download the “DWS3000 API Software and API Guide” from Home - Decawave , and I create a MDK-ARM project by EVK3000_F429_CubeMX.ioc in the software.

I opened the project by Keil, and the problem is that when I build the target the following errors shown

Does anyone know how to debug this? Thanks.


You’ve downloaded the wrong API when you’re using EVK1000/EVB1000.

Please use from https://www.decawave.com/software/ the package called DW1000 Application Programming Interface with STM32F10x Application Examples



Thanks for reply.
The board I used is DWS3000 Arduino shield(https://www.decawave.com/product/dws3000-arduino-shield/), should I download DW1000 Application Programming Interface with STM32F10x Application Examples or DWS3000 API Software and API Guide?

The problem is that Keil does not see files in the project and you need to manually include these files that Keil’s build system would find them.

Anyway, this package has no Keil project inside…
But these API has Nordic Segger project and it has a project for “Eclipse-like” IDE, called “System Workbench STM32” from AC6.
I see a documentation “Guide_for_bulding_API_Examples.pdf” with links to the IDE and how you should compile it.
I think that would be the easiest starting point.