MDEK1001 les command gives no output


I am working on setting up mdek1001 kit. I have configured 4 anchors(one initiator) and one tag. In teraterm when i type the les command i do not get any output. I followed all the steps given in the user manual. Can you please help me with this? How can i get the position of the tag?


Hi Yashasvi,

can you please send the outputs of these commands on the Initiator and also on the Tag:
dwm> si
dwm> la



Thank you for your response. Following is the result:

  1. on tag:si

on tag: laTAG_la

  1. on anchor(int): si

on anchor: la

Hi Yashasvi,

sorry for the delays. I hope you have noticed that in the output of the “tag” it actually says:
mode: an (act,-)

That means it is configured in the Anchor mode. You need to reconfigure it to Tag mode using command nmt or acts. By default the stationary detection is enabled so if you don’t want to use it then switch it off or set both update rates to the same value (e.g. aurs 1 1).


I have a problem that my tag does not show the le_us parameter after the command (les). I show the configuration of my tag and anchor init. I would appreciate any help.

dwm> si
[000009.100 INF] sys: fw2 fw_ver=x01030001 cfg_ver=x00010700
[000009.100 INF] uwb0: panid=x1234 addr=xDECADC95A7B0D1A7
[000009.110 INF] mode: tn (act,twr,np,le)
[000009.110 INF] uwbmac: synced
[000009.120 INF] uwbmac: bh disconnected
[000009.120 INF] cfg: sync=0 fwup=1 ble=1 leds=1 le=1 lp=0 stat_det=1 (sens=1) mode=0 upd_rate_norm=10 upd_rate_stat=20 label=DWD1A7
[000009.130 INF] enc: off
[000009.130 INF] ble: addr=E4:FE:CC:9A:DF:18

dwm> la
[000847.740 INF] AN: cnt=4 seq=x07
[000847.740 INF] 0) id=0000000000005288 seat=0 seens=76 map=0004 pos=0.00:0.00:0.00
[000847.750 INF] 1) id=0000000000009581 seat=1 seens=162 map=0004 pos=0.60:4.00:0.00
[000847.750 INF] 2) id=0000000000000E1D seat=3 seens=173 map=0004 pos=7.00:0.00:0.00
[000847.760 INF] 3) id=0000000000005D2A seat=4 seens=167 map=0004 pos=4.00:4.00:0.00
[000847.770 INF]

Anchor Init
dwm> si
[000022.720 INF] sys: fw2 fw_ver=x01030001 cfg_ver=x00010700
[000022.720 INF] uwb0: panid=x1234 addr=xDECAA1E154315288
[000022.730 INF] mode: ani (act,real)
[000022.730 INF] uwbmac: connected
[000022.730 INF] uwbmac: bh disconnected
[000022.740 INF] cfg: sync=0 fwup=0 ble=1 leds=1 init=1 upd_rate_stat=120 label=DW1
[000022.750 INF] enc: off
[000022.750 INF] ble: addr=CB:5F:C2:D9:EA:68

dwm> la
[000053.230 INF] AN: cnt=4 seq=x03
[000053.230 INF] 0) id=DECAA1E154315288 seat=0 seens=0 rssi=-127 cl=00000035 nbr=00000035 pos=0.00:0.00:0.00
[000053.240 INF] 1) id=DECAF2BD23A15D2A seat=5 seens=113 rssi=-79 cl=00000035 nbr=00000000 pos=4.00:4.00:0.00
[000053.250 INF] 2) id=DECA46052D740E1D seat=4 seens=98 rssi=-80 cl=00000035 nbr=00000000 pos=7.00:0.00:0.00
[000053.260 INF] 3) id=DECADC2A7A229581 seat=2 seens=64 rssi=-81 cl=00000035 nbr=00000000 pos=0.60:4.00:0.00
[000053.270 INF]

Here the output tag:
dwm> les
dwm> 5D2A[4.00,4.00,0.00]=2.13 9581[0.60,4.00,0.00]=1.78 5288[0.00,0.00,0.00]=1.63 0E1D[7.00,0.00,0.00]=3.09
5D2A[4.00,4.00,0.00]=2.11 9581[0.60,4.00,0.00]=1.80 5288[0.00,0.00,0.00]=1.73 0E1D[7.00,0.00,0.00]=3.53
5D2A[4.00,4.00,0.00]=2.03 9581[0.60,4.00,0.00]=1.75 5288[0.00,0.00,0.00]=1.63 0E1D[7.00,0.00,0.00]=3.50
5D2A[4.00,4.00,0.00]=2.04 9581[0.60,4.00,0.00]=1.87 5288[0.00,0.00,0.00]=1.55 0E1D[7.00,0.00,0.00]=2.99
5D2A[4.00,4.00,0.00]=2.04 9581[0.60,4.00,0.00]=1.89 5288[0.00,0.00,0.00]=1.56 0E1D[7.00,0.00,0.00]=3.19
5D2A[4.00,4.00,0.00]=2.13 9581[0.60,4.00,0.00]=1.79 5288[0.00,0.00,0.00]=1.61 0E1D[7.00,0.00,0.00]=3.11