Release 2 raspberry issue

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to update my system to Release 2 features. I’m following the Firrmware user guide and the gateway quick deployment guide.

I’ve succesfully updated my DWM1001 anchors, tags and brigde mode to Release 2 FW. Also, I’ve updated the android app.

Problem comes when trying to set up the gateway into a Raspberry3 B v1.2. I have a 8GB micro SD card, I flash it with balena Etcher, then following the guide, I create the wpa_supplicant.conf file with my wifinetwork parameters.

When I install the Sd into the raspberry and try to scan its IP addresit seems as it is not connecting to the network.

I’ve also tried using an Ethernet cable and It remains unconnected. I have re-flashed the SD card just in case wsomething went worng in between, but It does nothing

Any help on how to correcty connect my raspberry so that I can make an SSH connecting and finish the depoyment of my system?

Thanks in advance