Use Nordic nRF52832 programing dwm1001C?

I want to program using Nordic nRF52832 inside dwm1001C (not dwm1001-DEV).
I plan to use “USB to TTL” to connect the computer to the dwm1001C and burn the program into the module.
Is this method feasible? Or i need something else?
PS. What I want to do is indoor positioning

Hi @luoyisin
if you want to program the nRF52 processor you need to buy some SWD programmer - Keil J-link for example or some opensource alternative Black magic probe for example (as far I remember the Black magic probe does support the nR52 processors, but double check).


You can also use the Nordic nRF52 DK to program the dwm1001c. You need to connect pins VCC, SWDIO, SWDCLK, GND, GNDDetect, and nRESET. You don’t need SWO. Here is an example of using the nRF52 DK to program a custom board Programming a Custom nRF52 Beacon using nRF52 DK – Probots Blog

Also see Debug output

To program the dwm1001c through the serial port, you would first need to use a programmer such as the nRF52 DK to program a bootloader mcuboot and your application would need to implement SMP.

I am a beginner and I still have some problems.
I’m currently making Jlink connect SWD to dwm1001C. I want to use KEIL for programing. May I ask if my program is stored in nrf52832 or STM32 in jlink?
Also, can you provide some advice for beginners on the next steps?

It would probably be easier to Install nRF Connect SDK and nRF Connect for VS Code to get started. Then try Keil if you still need/want to.