Flash STM32F429 Nucleo-144

Hi everybody,

We bought Following boards,
1.DWM3000EVB(Decawave Board).
2.STM32F429 Nucleo-144(Development board).

We are try to Flash STM32F429 using Default example.
As per following Document “Guide_for_bulding_API_Examples” .
It shows following error message.
Error: Can’t find NUCLEO-F429ZI.cfg
In the provided PDF “Guide_for_building_API_Examples” there it says:
“Config for NUCLEO-F429ZI board with a single STM32F429ZITx chip generated by System
Workbench for STM32”.But,File is not there.

we are missed someting ?
However,We are Following the "Guide_for_building_API_Examples”.

Sivachandran R

There are some steps to configure the IDE. Please follow the instructions of AC6 or STM32CubeIDE to re-install the IDE.

Hello all,

We able to Run code .Now, we are getting some other Error
"Error: semihosting: exception 0x2002ffa0
semihosting: exception 0x2002ffb0
target halted due to breakpoint, current mode: Thread
xPSR: 0xa1070000 pc: 0x0800b5d4 msp: 0x2002ffb0, semihosting
semihosting: exception 0x2002ffc8
target halted due to breakpoint, current mode: Thread
xPSR: 0x21070000 pc: 0x0800b5d4 msp: 0x2002ffc8, semihosting "

We followed procedure clearly captured in following Documents(Link:MaxEye Quries.pdf - Google Drive).

Is there any Important things missed?


Hello @sivachandran,
It’s due to the build_examples() function. You need to move it after setup_DWICRSTnIRQ function.
Then you need to select the example you want to run but defining it in example_selection.h

Hope it helps!