PA&LNA with DWM1001 Firmware API

Hi,I am now using DWM1001C module and Firmware_Image"DWM1001_PANS_R2.0.hex" it works well, so I want separate DWM1001C use NRF52832 and IC-DW1000, I want add PA and LNA,between the antenna and the DW1000
I found in “APS004_Increasing-the-Range-of-DW1000-Using-LNA_v1.6” and “APS009_Operating-the-DW1000-under-LAES-regulations_v1.4” ,when use PA and LNA,some GPIO and some Register must be use to control the DW1000
So how can I use DWM1001_PANS_R2.0-API to control it?
Thanks a lot

Peter Sun

anyone who can help me?

anyone who can help me?